Miami Lakes
Our tiny community is blooming with kids and we are looking to bring back a local tradition of local education in a one-room schoolhouse setting, with an education program focused on teaching the kids to learn, think and grow instead of memorize and prep for tests. One-room schoolhouses have a long history in this area, with the last one closing just 10 years ago. The families of a small and remote community of Martinsdale Montana want a childhood experiences that does not include a twice a day, one hour or more, bus ride to the nearest school.
We have a kindergarten class of 6 for fall 2018, and enroll will grow to at least 12 within the first 5 years. Unlike many rural and isolated areas, we are growing with families due to ranching and industry.
Due to our remote location, we qualify for public school funding but we have struggled to get our school districts Board of Trustees to listen and learn the facts. As we persevere and work to gain their support, we are looking in to any and all options, Public, Private, Charter, etc. We are also very open to new, old and unique teaching and learning models.
We have very motivated families and a new schoolhouse but we are looking for teacher(s) and/or educational innovators that are interested in taking on this incredible opportunity for themselves and the kids.
We would be more open to non-public if we could find the right person(s) to oversee the school as we feel this is one area, that is not best suited for this group of parents and we haven't been able to find anyone else local with the skills or qualifications to take on such an important role.
There is a good chance that we cannot pull all of this together by fall 2018 and that is ok. It is most important to find the right path and educating partners and that takes time. If we build it, they will come.
If you are interested in more information, or have helpful resources, please contact me. Thank you!