Every decision we make is guided by the following three questions: Is it meaningful? Is it sustainable? Does it support whole-student well-being? If the answer to any one of those is “no,” we go back to the drawing board.
Mastery over memorization
Memorization is just a small piece of the learning puzzle. The future will require tenacity, ingenuity, flexibility, empathy and tolerance to uncertainty in order to not just survive, but thrive in a world constantly changing.
Collaboration over competition
In order to create real and lasting change, communities of people and places must come together. Education institutions must put aside their gatekeeping, and corporations must put people and planet over profit.
Personalization over conformity
Personalization requires neither big corporate money nor expansive technology, merely the desire to advance meaningful learning through authentic innovation, often achieved under tight restraints.
Intrinsic motivation over extrinsic reward
The reward of working to the best of our ability is a lifelong desire to continue reaching goals we are empowered to set for ourselves.