Our adolescent program brings to life Erdkinder in an urban setting and extends our commitment to meaningful learning in the 21st century. In keeping with the grassroots microschool model that Meridian helped pioneer, we enroll no more than 15 students per class. This enables us to personalize the typical middle- and high school experience and creates a sense of fellowship uncommon in factory model schools. Classes combine community- and project-based learning, guided by the Montessori philosophy. Our classroom is a classroom without walls that integrates and enriches our local community, as well as the greater Cincinnati region. We tailor our curriculum to meet the needs of diverse families and 21st century students, especially those in our learning community.
Days & Times
Classroom Days
Tuesday and Thursday
9:15 am – 2:30 pm
Land Days
Monday and Wednesday
9:15 am – 2:30 pm
Market Days
Scheduled as needed throughout the market season
Program Options
2-, 3- and 4- day options available
Two-day students must select M/T or W/Th
Extended Enrichment (optional classes, clubs and 21st century study hall)
2:30 – 4 pm
Industry Fridays (optional field trip and shadowing days)
9:15 am – 2:30 pm
Admission Requirements
We currently accept students age 12.5 to 17 years. An informal meeting with both parent and student is required prior to enrollment. If a student has previously been enrolled in a non-Meridian elementary or middle school program, a letter of reference may also be required.